A Message from God’s Treasure House Executive Director, Gina Stocker
Gina Stocker
Gina struggled most of her life with feelings of not being good enough, many fears, hopelessness and loneliness. She was a victim of child molestation and domestic violence and tried to commit suicide several times. A special lady came into Gina’s life and talked to her about Jesus who loved her so much and would bring healing to her life. Gina asked the Lord Jesus to come into her life on April 14, 1974 but never was able to get over the bitterness, anger, and unforgiveness she held in her heart against those who hurt her. She remembered when she first came to know Jesus as her Savior she asked the Lord for two things, if He would ever send her another husband she wanted him to love God more than he loved her and she wanted to go on the mission field. He answered both, “He gave me my husband John who loved God more than me and a mission field that would surpass all mission fields that I could ever dream of being on, one that would bring deliverance, peace, and joy beyond all my expectations.”
Gina began work at the Christian Broadcasting Network (700 Club) in Virginia Beach, Va. as Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of International Ministries and then started CBN Travel and became their General Manager. Gina traveled extensively throughout Europe, the Middle East and Far East planning travel packages for CBN partners and follow-up churches. Her favorite places in travel were to Greece and Israel, “they were my heart.”
It wasn’t until she went to prison for wrong choices that were made that she met a Christian psychologist who had a “healing of memories” class which lasted 18 weeks, that she was able to let go of all the baggage and become free at last. She remembered that day being like a thousand pound weight being lifted off her shoulders and the grass was greener, the flowers were brighter, the sky was bluer and there was a new song in her heart. ”I can say today that prison was the most awesome experience of my life because that is where God set me free, once and for all, from the chains of unforgiveness, hatred, and bitterness towards those that hurt me and kept me bound for many years. God didn’t send me to prison; wrong choices did but God turned it around for His glory.” “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) Prison was “Kairos” time, God’s divine appointment.
Alone in a prison cell, Gina cried out to the Lord for direction and purpose and He gave her a scripture verse and a vision from Isaiah 45:3 that gave birth to God’s Treasure House. “I will give you the treasures of darkness riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel who calls you by name.” That vision came to fruition when God’s Treasure House opened January 6, 2006. Not without many challenges though, but Gina learned over the years that challenges are stepping stones in the kingdom of God. God’s Treasure House is a transitional living center for women who have made a commitment to Jesus Christ in prison and are serious about making a change in their lives. They provide a Christian family home environment that is based on God’s principles and His unconditional love and mercy. The residents are provided solutions of structure, accountability, and an opportunity to learn and live the Word of God in a comprehensive 9-18 month program. God’s Treasure House is committed to excellence. Gina knows better than most how ex-offenders are desperate for restoration and acceptance. At God’s Treasure House, they exist as God’s arms and legs extended offering help and hope for society’s rejects and they do so one woman at a time. As each life is restored, restoration comes to many and relationships are healed. Please join us in prayer that God’s Treasure House be filled with trophies of God’s grace who come to discover that they are the treasures rescued from the darkness and become the riches stored in God’s secret places.
Gina was the wife of Evang. John Stocker for 32 wonderful years. Gina is also the mother of 5 beautiful children, 17 grandchildren, and 14 great grandchildren whom she loves dearly and always has a great time sharing the Bible and travel stories with them. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!